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Indeep Vision in the Top 10 of the Neotec 2021 grant

Pau Bramon Mora
One of the most competitive calls for applications in Spain, the Neotec grant has been promoting technology-based companies since 2015.

This beginning of 2022 at Indeep Vision we are celebrating because we have been one of the selected companies of the Neotec 2021 call of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). Thanks to being one of the selected we will receive a direct aid of 250,000 euros to boost our technology during the next two years.

Of the 538 companies that have submitted their application in Spain as a whole, only 125 companies have been granted the aid. Among these, Indeep Vision has been placed in the Top 10. The total amount of aid granted by the CDTI amounts to 36 million euros.

We want to thank CDTI for having valued our project so favorably.

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